

Hop in


Lights off








Hop out






Shower 〰️ Hop in 〰️ Lights off 〰️ Music 〰️ Float 〰️ Music 〰️ Hop out 〰️ Shower 〰️ Relax 〰️

New to Float Therapy?

Float Therapy is easy! Our friendly staff will show you what you need to do, but, so you can be prepared, you will begin by having a quick shower. 15 minutes at the start of your session is reserved for you to do this.

After your shower, you can hop in the pod and lay down. You will be weightless. Press the button to turn off the light - or keep it on if you’d prefer. A few minutes of music will play, then it will be silent until the end of your session.

Music will begin to play, signifying it is time to get out of the pod and enjoy another shower using our beautiful products. You have 15 minutes to enjoy this before your session is over. Drink plenty of water and enjoy a beautiful night of deep, restorative sleep.

Why Float Therapy?

What are the benefits?

In everyday life, your brain is busy processing and reacting to everything you have around you. Stress builds up, your blood pressure rises and you feel overwhelmed.

In the tank, everything melts away as you float effortlessly. For an hour or so your mind is free from distraction and your body is free from gravity. You enter a deep mediative state, while everything works to reverse the harmful effects of stress.

Floatation Therapy restricts external stress factors that are constantly bombarding our senses and attribute to approximately 90% of our physical and mental energy consumption.

The body’s natural response to sensory deprivation is to gently slide into the meditative and creative, theta brain state. After a short period of time within the pod, you cannot tell where your body ends and the water begins.

Free from external stimulation on the senses, your body finally has a chance to free itself from the stresses of everyday life and to truly rest and repair.

For the Mind

Rapid Stress Relief

90% of illness is stress-related. High cortisol levels for prolonged periods can wreck havoc on your health. By reducing sensory input, floating lowers your cortisol levels and blood pressure, sending you into deep relaxation.

Gain Mental Clarity

Examine any situation uninterrupted as you free your mind from distraction. Every session trains you to get into a state of flow easily. Outside of the tank, it’s easier to focus and return to this state of mind.

Boost Problem-Solving & Creativity

Explore new ideas easily as you gain greater access to your right hemisphere. Floating fast tracks your brain into theta state. In this relaxed space, it’s easy to practise self “reprogramming”, learn faster, or visualise things.

Advance Personal Growth

Find it hard to quit addictive behaviour like smoking? With reduced sensory input, your mind is more receptive to new ideas. Because the effects manifest within you, they are more effective at transforming how you feel, think, and live.

For the Body

Experience Deep Relaxation

Speed up healing, promote muscle repair, and lower your blood pressure. 90% of your brain’s powerful resources are now focused inwards. The reduced tension lasts for days, or even weeks.

Recover Faster

Speed up your recovery in between workouts. The gravity-free environment reduces lactic acid and inflammation, compressing what normally takes a long period of time into hours.

Optimise Athletic Performance

Spark rapid improvement and reach your peak, by practising visualisation in the tank. Train your central nervous system to produce the ‘perfect performance’, free of distraction.

Improve your Well-Being

Sleep better, work happier, feel good from the inside out. Soaking in Epsom salt rapidly replenishes your magnesium and sulphate levels. This relaxes your muscles, relieves headaches, flushes toxins, and more.